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Last Stop Christmas

  • Book

    Carlos L. Vogt


    Christmas comedy

    Playing time

    90 minutes



    Main actor

    a luxury wristwatch

  • What is it about?
    Last Stop Christmas is a pitch-black, quirky Christmas comedy about the deeper meaning and purpose of the festival of love.
    Former boxer and Christmas grump Elvis only learns indirectly that there are more important things in life than luxury watches and that true love is worth more than all the material goods in this world.
    Two Russian Mafiosi, a God-fearing Muslim, a madman who has escaped from an institution and a drunken and kleptomaniac retired couple lead him onto the right path.
    And in the end, he trades his new luxury watch - a Christmas present he gave himself - for a bottle of liquor and true love.
    A fast-paced Christmas fairy tale that will make you smile and cleverly reminds you, without pointing the finger, what Christmas is really about.

    The main characters
    Elvis: Berlin ex-boxer, Christmas grump and watch lover
    Nadja: beautiful Russian, first Igor's, then Elvis' lover
    Igor: Russian petty mafiosi
    Vladimir: Igor's cousin and bodyguard
    tattooed two-meter giant
    Klaus: psychotic who escaped from the closed ward of a mental hospital
    Ilse: kleptomaniac pensioner and booze-eater
    Helmut: her husband and drunkard and other bizarre characters

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